Future State: Suicide Squad #1

DC ⋅ 2021

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Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Gold Beetle, a female Blue Beetle/Booster Gold mash-up

1st appearance of Bolt, a speedster with prosthetic limbs

1st team appearance of the Justice Squad: Talon as Batman, Bolt as the Flash, Fisherman as Aquaman, Clayface as Martian Manhunter, Hypnotic Woman as Wonder Woman, Conner Kent as Superman

Issue Details




Javi Fernandez


Robbie Thompson


January 2021


SUICIDE SQUAD, PART ONE / BLACK ADAM, CHAPTER ONE: THE BEGINNING OF THE END The Suicide Squad enters the Future State era as Amanda Waller uses Task Force X to save the world and remake it in her imageā€”but what happens when the team shows up to stop her? And in the second story in this extra-sized issue, Black Adam, the immortal one-time champion of the wizard Shazam, rules the planet Kahndaq in the 853rd century. Can he save the future from a threat rooted in the past?

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