Tales of the Teen Titans #43

DC ⋅ 1984

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Key Facts

1st full appearance of Jericho aka Joseph, son of Deathstroke

1st full appearance of Adeline Wilson, mother of Jericho and Deathstroke's ex-wife

Issue Details




George Perez


Marv Wolfman


June 1984


The Titans betrayed! Deathstroke the Terminator attacks Dick Grayson at the teen hero's home. Dick barely escapes, and he's already too late to save his teammates! The only help he now has comes from a mysterious woman and her young son. First appearance of Jericho! "The Judas Contract" part 2. SpoilerDick Grayson is at home typing a letter when suddenly the Terminator crashes through his apartment window and attacks him. It quickly becomes clear that the Terminator knows that Dick was once the retired super-hero Robin, though Grayson has no idea how he could have acquired such knowledge. Realizing that the Terminator has a physical advantage over him, Dick baits his foe into kicking him out the broken window. He uses his leather jacket to slow his fall as his body plummets into a pile of garbage. As the Terminator begins firing rounds out the window, Dick (injured) sprints into the crowd. The Terminator gives chase and follows him across a busy street. Two witnesses to this tableaux are the middle-aged woman who had been spying on the Terminator, and her silent teenage son. Terminator follows Dick into a nearby park, but Dick loses him in a crowd of marathon runners.Fearing that his fellow Titans may be in danger, Dick tries to contact them on his communicator, but nobody responds. He races over to Donna and Kory's apartment, but as he feared, the penthouse is in shambles. He finds evidence of a letter bomb that could've been used to render Kory unconscious. Examining Donna's darkroom, he finds trace elements of poisonous chemicals that had been mixed with her photo solutions. He suspects that the odor from the chemicals would have been strong enough to incapacitate someone of even Donna's hearty constitution.He next stops at Victor Stone's apartment. Breaking down the door, he finds an empty chair outfitted with clamps and wires designed to electrocute its intended target. He also finds a letter on the floor from Vic's grandparents and surmises that he was reading...

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