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Last Gasp ⋅ 1970

Key Facts

First comic book produced entirely by women

36-page one-shot by various female cartoonists who were frustrated by the misogyny that was a cornerstone of the adult-themed underground comics

Prolific and enduring publisher, Last Gasp purchased the rights to the issue for $1,000

20,000 copies of the first print run were sold and an additional 20,000 split between the second and third printings

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The title, 'It Ain't Me Babe' is a snub to the Bob Dylan song of the same name due to its anti-female lyrical content

The success of this issue led to a follow-up, all-female liberation project called Wimmen's Comix Collective

🥈 Runner-Up: New High [Previous High]

9.4 sold for $350 [No Previous Data]

Editor, writer and cover artist Trina Robbins died of a stroke on April 10, 2024 at the age of 85

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