Incredible Hulk  (2000)

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Marvel ⋅ 2006

Key Facts

Bruce Banner, removed from society and living in Alaska, is summoned for a mission by Nick Fury (a Life Model Decoy with Fury's memories)

Marvel ⋅ 2006

Key Facts

Nick Fury briefs Bruce Banner for a mission to destroy a potentially cataclysmic satellite launched into space by Hydra. Once in space, the Hulk realizes he has been tricked after he is ensnared by the satellite which bears the logo of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marvel ⋅ 2006

Key Facts

The Hulk is apprehended by the Godseye, a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite that had gained sentience decades ago and caused the Chernobyl disaster during a previously failed mission to destroy it

Marvel ⋅ 2006

Key Facts

Hulk defeats the Godseye and boards the shuttle intended to take him back to Earth but instead, is launched far into space, accomplishing two missions: the elimination of the Godseye and the Illuminati's banishment of the Hulk

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