Thor  (1966)

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Marvel ⋅ 1989

Key Facts

1st cameo team appearance of The New Warriors: Nova, Night Thrasher, Namorita, Speedball, Firestar and Marvel Boy, later becomes Justice

1st cameo appearance of Night Thrasher

The character Marvel Boy shares no relation to other characters who also used the name Marvel Boy but he does share his real name, Vance Astrovik with the character known as Major Victory from Guardians of the Galaxy

Major Victory and Marvel Boy are the same person from two separate dimensions and exist in stories as mostly unrelated individuals

Marvel ⋅ 1989

Key Facts

1st full team appearance of the New Warriors: Firestar, Kid Nova, Marvel Boy, Namorita, Night Thrasher and Speedball

1st full appearance of Night Thrasher

Thor #413

Marvel ⋅ 1990

Key Facts

Non-Key Issue. No additional information is available.

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