Avengers, The #211

Marvel ⋅ 1981

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Key Facts

Tigra joins the Avengers

Wonder Man leaves the Avengers to pursue an acting career

Issue Details




Jim Shooter

Cover Artist

Gene Colan


Bob Sharen


Janice Chiang


Gene Colan


September 1981


   "...By Force of Mind!" Captain America decrees the Avengers must trim its active membership to just six members. He dismisses the team for the time being but informs them they will hold a meeting later in the day to discuss who will remain. Jocasta attempts to reach out to connect with Vision, suggesting that they have a natural bond as they are both robotic in nature. The Vision rejects Jocasta’s attempts at bonding and brushes her aside to be with Wanda, leaving Jocasta feeling alone and isolated. In an attempt to add some levity, Beast snatches Wonder Man’s glasses and runs out of the mansion with them. Simon snags the glasses back and to pay Beast back, hurls him far into the sky. As he begins plummeting towards the ground, Beast actually fears that he may be killed but Simon saves him. Afterward, Wonder Man tells the Beast he intends to step down voluntarily, revealing that despite his powers, he has never truly felt comfortable in the role of a superhero. Just prior to the meeting, about a dozen or so superheroes from around the New York City area feel a sudden compulsion to abandon what they are doing and drop in on the mansion. This group includes old Avengers such as Yellowjacket, Hawkeye and Black Widow as well as heroes with no previous connection to the team such as Moon Knight, Dazzler, and Tigra. As the Avengers themselves assemble for the meeting, they are perplexed by the sudden arrival of so many uninvited guests. Even more confusing, the unfamiliar heroes feel compelled to show off their powers, tussling amongst themselves. Yellowjacket exclaims that he knows what’s going on, but before he can explain he is rendered catatonic. It is then revealed that Moondragon is behind all the madness. She used her telepathic abilities to prevent anyone from realizing she was there and then paralyzed Yellowjacket before he could give her away before she was ready. She declares that only she is wise enough to deem who is worthy of being an Avenger and has summoned “candidates” to be tried out. Of course, the Avengers object to her interference, but she telepathically paralyzes almost everyone. Moondragon orders Dazzler to give a demonstration of her abilities, and the mutant disco singer obliges. While Moondragon is impressed by her abilities, she realizes Dazzler has a sincere interest in her artistic career and dismisses her. Dazzler is reluctant to leave, only doing so after the Scarlet Witch says it’s OK. Although physically paralyzed, Iron-Man still can mentally control his armor, and thus rockets himself outside the mansion. Once far enough away from Moondragon, he transmits a specialized radio frequency that interferes with her telepathy. With her control over the assembled heroes waning, she chooses to make a hasty departure. Once she’s gone, most of the non-members depart. Tigra, however, asks if there might be a place for her in the Avengers. Cap states they have no room for her until Simon reveals he intends to step down from the team to focus on his acting career. Hercules claims to know several movie producers and the two strong men depart together. The Beast then announces he too is leaving the team and the Vision and Scarlet Witch surprise everyone by announcing that they too want to step down from the team! Yellowjacket agrees to rejoin the team, thus rounding out Cap’s desired six-member team (himself, Thor, Iron-Man, Yellowjacket & Wasp, and Tigra). In the corner, Jocasta is dismayed that she was overlooked yet again and quietly departs without a word. In an ironic twist, it is only after she's gone that Iron-Man and Cap reveal they intended to offer her official membership as a reservist. Afterward, the new team discusses the comings and goings that have taken place. Cap is concerned that Moondragon may have telepathically manipulated them into making the decisions they made. But regardless, the Avengers now have a brand new line-up.

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