Sonic the Hedgehog Presents Princess Sally #2

Archie ⋅ 1995

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Art Mawhinney


Mike Kanterovich


May 1995


Princess Sally #2 is the second issue of Sally's miniseries. It features the second part of "Deadliest of the Species". Geoffrey and Hamlin are sparring while Dylan, Penelope, and Arlo watch, concerned that they'll hurt each other. Geoffrey easily overpowers Hamlin and knocks him over. Princess Sally rushes in and knocks Geoffrey over, telling him that as long as he's with them he has to play by her rules and that they can't have in-fighting. Geoffrey sheepishly apologizes and the group plans its next attack. The final substation is located on an atoll that they can't reach directly, so Sally arranges for the group to fly in using hang-gliders.

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